I'm posting a place I loved when I was there in June this year - a Ghost Town. It's called Grafton, just outside Zion National Park in Utah, USA. Massive mountains, arid landscape, burning dry heat - so different from the Mediterranean and yet so stunningly beautiful. As is Menton.
Recognise the building in the photo below? If you've seen the 1969 film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with Paul Newman and Robert Redford, you might. In the B & W photo you see Butch and Etta (played by Katharine Ross) riding around this schoolhouse - which, as is obvious, has now been restored. (perhaps slightly over-restored).
To see a great short video (2.26 minutes) plus commentary, of Grafton, please click below:
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Stop Press: David from Tamarindo, Costa Rica DP has posted on Laguna Beach today - Laguna Beach is one of Menton's sister cities.
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